Jenna's Blog

A Blog for Drafting 10

The first week of grade 10 is over! I am already looking forward to the volleyball season (first practice was on Thursday) and playing in the senior band. Even though I already have homework, I am happy to be back at school with my friends. I didn't get to see all of them enough this summer! This semester I have French, English, drafting, socials and band but I am looking forward to next semester because I have science and gym. In my opinion the summer went by way to fast. It feels like we only had 2-3 weeks off!


Favourite Quote

"Do or do not. There is no try."
~Jedi Master Yoda


Which books series is better?

Favourite Funny Quote

"So I did the only thing you can do when trpped in a corner: I chewed my way through the wall."


About this blog

This blog is for my drafting 10 class. I will be showcasing my work over the duration of the course...enjoy!

About Me

I am a highschool student who likes sports(soccer, basketball, and volleyball), music(the good kind),eating, reading, hiking, sleeping and being with friends and family

Something to Think About

" If there is a crumb on the table, and you cut it in half, do you have two crumbs or two halves of a crumb?"


What is your favourite sport?

Something to Think About

"If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?"

Something to Think About

"If a cow laughs, does milk come out of it's nose?"